SATURDAY MORNING - "Cartoons' Greatest Hits" (1995)
Esta sensacional coletânea traz covers de alguns dos mais bacanas desenhos animados que povoaram a imaginação de várias infâncias, nostalgia pura...
Vários temas e aberturas de desenhos clássicos como "Speed Racer", "Jonny Quest", "Spider Man", "Popeye" - entre outras pérolas - ganharam uma nova leitura com bandas alternativas do porte de Butthole Surfers, Face to Face, Ramones, Helmet, Sublime,Reverend Horton Heat e outras mais pop como Frenté!, Liz Phair, Violent Femmes, Sponge, Collective Soul e Matthew Sweet.Os destaques vão paras as versões demolidoras de 'Spider Man' do Ramones (que já ganhou status de clássico), 'Popeye' do Face to Face e 'Jonny Quest', do Reverend Horton Heat.
Fantástico !
1. The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana) - Liz Phair With Material
2. Go Speed Racer Go - Sponge 3
3. Sugar Sugar - Mary Lou Lord With Semisonic
4. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? - Matthew Sweet
5. Josie And The Pussycats - Juliana Hatfield And Tanya Donelly
6. The Bugaloos - Collective Soul
7. Underdog - Butthole Surfers
8. Gigantor - Helmet
9. Spider-Man - Ramones
10. Johnny Quest/Stop That Pigeon - The Reverend Horton Heat
11. Open Up Your Heart And Let The Sun Shine In - Frente!
12. Eep Opp Ork Ah-Ah (Means I Love You) - Violent Femmes
13. Fat Albert Theme - Dig
14. I'm Popeye The Sailor Man - Face To Face
15. Friends/Sigmund And The Seamonsters - Tripping Daisy
16. Goolie Get-Together - Toadies
17. Hong Kong Phooey - Sublime
18. H.R. Pufnstuf - The Murmurs
19. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy - Wax
SHORT MUSIC FOR SHORT PEOPLE - "101 Bands Playing 30 Seconds Songs" (1999)Esta coletânea foi lançada pelo selo Fat Wreck Chords, capitaneado por Fat Mike, vocalista e baixista da banda NOFX, ícone do hardcore melódico.
Se a essência do punk/hardcore é sua melodia rápida e a mensagem curta e grossa, as bandas deste álbum com seus riffs ultra-curtos (não passando de 30 segundos) conseguiram chegar ao extremo !
Em que outra compilação você encontraria monstros do hardcore - Bad Religion,No Use For A Name, Strung Out, Pennywise, Down By Law, Satanic Surfers, Hi-Standard, Snuff, Sick Of It All, NOFX, H2O, Ten Foot Pole, Agnostic Front - do punk rock: D.O.A., NomeansNo, The Misfits, Descendents, Circle Jerks, The Vandals, Rancid, Black Flag e do skacore: Less Than Jake, Dance Hall Crashers, Mad Caddies, Subhumans ,todos eles juntos num mesmo disco ?
1. Fizzy Bangers (Short Attention Span) (0:08)
2. Anchor (Less Than Jake) (0:29)
3. Ketchup Soup (Teen Idols) (0:29)
4. All Comic Heroes Are Fascist Pigs (Terrorgrouppe) (0:24)
5. Overcoming Learned Behavior (Good Riddance) (0:27)
6. Quit Your Job (Chixdiggit) (0:24)
7. Ready (Living End) (0:34)
8. Out Of Hand (Bad Religion) (0:39)
9. Asian Pride (Hi-Standard) (0:29)
10. Steamroller Blues (Aerobitch) (0:26)
11. Doin' Laundry (Nerf Herder) (0:29)
12. Freegan (Bigwig) (0:31)
13. Not Again (Undeclinable Ambuscade) (0:30)
14. Waste Away (Fury Of 66) (0:29)
15. The Radio Still Sucks (The Ataris) (0:28)
16. Armageddon Singalong (Unwritten Law) (0:35)
17. Hears Frozen Soil Thawed Once More By The Spring of Rage, Despair, and Hopelessness (AFI) (0:31)
18. Farts Are Jazz To Assholes (Dillinger 4) (0:33)
19. Surf City (Spread) (0:28)
20. Back To You (Swingin' Utters) (0:32)
21. Outhouse Of Doom (Bar Feeders) (0:33)
22. Alienation (Citizen Fish) (0:32)
23. Family Reunion (Blink 182) (0:35)
24. Mirror, Signal, Wheelspin (Goober Patrol) (0:28)
25. Saturday Night (Killswitch) (0:31)
26. Bedroom Windows (Enemy You) (0:24)
27. Sara Fisher (No Use For A Name) (0:30)
28. The Ballad Of Wilhelm Fink (Green Day) (0:32)
29. Delraiser Part III: Del On Earth (Consumed) (0:27)
30. Told You Once (The Mr. T Experience) (0:11)
31. Randal Gets Drunk (Lagwagon) (0:27)
32. Fishfuck (Gwar) (0:32)
33. Howdy Doody In The Woodshed (The Dickies) (0:32)
34. Long Enough To Forget You (Samiam) (0:29)
35. Erik Sandin's Stand-in (Dog Piss) (0:33)
36. We Want The Kids (59 Times the Pain) (0:20)
37. Warren's Song Part 8 (Bracket) (0:30)
38. No Fgcnuik (No Means No) (0:31)
39. I Like Food (Descendents) (0:17)
40. Triple Track (Dance Hall Crashers) (0:32)
41. Don Camero Lost His Mind (Guttermouth) (0:29)
42. X-99 (Limp) (0:37)
43. Faust (Jugheads Revenge) (0:30)
44. Deny Everything (The Circle Jerks) (0:24)
45. Hand Grenades (The Offspring) (0:36)
46. Mike Booted Our First Song, So We Recorded This One Instead (Mad Caddies) (0:28)
47. Union Yes (The Criminals) (0:33)
48. Dirty Needles (Screeching Weasel) (0:27)
49. 300 Miles (One Man Army) (0:29)
50. Klawsterfobia (Strung Out) (0:30)
51. You Don't Know Shit (Youth Brigade) (0:34)
52. Doin' Fine (Groovie Ghoulies) (0:27)
53. John For The Working Man (Tilt) (0:30)
54. A Prayer For The Complete And Utter Eradication Of All Generic Pop-Punk (Spazz) (0:26)55. It's A Real Time Thing (The Damned) (0:31)
56. All My Friends Are Popular Bands (88 Fingers Louie) (0:30)
57. I Hate Punk Rock (D.O.A.) (0:31)
58. Fun (Pulley) (0:31)
59. To All The Kids (The Vandals) (0:28)
60. 30 Seconds Till The End Of The World (Pennywise) (0:31)
61. Get a Grip (No Fun At All) (0:26)
62. Blatty [Human Egg] (Sick Of It All) (0:32)
63. I Got None (All) (0:29)
64. See Her Pee (NOFX) (0:32)
65. F.O.F.O.D. (7 Seconds) (0:31)
66. Blacklisted (Rancid) (0:26)
67. Chandaliers & Souvenirs (Diesel Boy) (0:29)
68. Your Kung Fu Is Old...And Now You Must Die! (Adrenaline O.D) (0:31)
69. My Pants Keep Falling Down (Frenzal Rhomb) (0:31)
70. I Hate Your Fucking Guts (The Queers) (0:30)
71. Comin' To Your Town (D.I.E.) (0:26)
72. Spray Paint (Black Flag) (0:32)
73. Rage Against The Machine Are Capitalist Phonies (White Flag) (0:28)
74. Bring It To An End (Anti-Flag) (0:28)
75. Not A Happy Man (Avail) (0:34)
76. Old Mrs. Cuddy (The Real McKenzies) (0:30)
77. Traitor (Agnostic Front) (0:30)
78. Life Rules 101 (Down By Law) (0:31)
79. Wake Up (Radio Days) (0:31)
80. Too Bad You Don't Get It (Useless ID) (0:33)
81. Humanity (Poison Idea) (0:34)
82. In Your Head (Men O' Steel) (0:24)
83. Supermarket Forces (Subhumans) (0:32)
84. Tribute To The Mammal (Black Wild) (0:22)
85. Pretty Houses (Lunachicks) (0:28)
86. The Band That Wouldn't Die (The Dwarves) (0:37)
87. Like a Fish In Water (The Bouncing Souls) (0:33)88. Turn It Up (Trigger Happy) (0:30)
89. Madam's Apple (One Hit Wonder) (0:31)
90. Staggering (Hot Box) (0:28)
91. DMV (20%) (0:28)
92. Big Fat Skinhead (Snuff) (0:30)
93. Pimmel (The Muffs) (0:34)
94. Mr. Brett, Please Put Down Your Gun (H2O) (0:29)
95. Wake Up (Bodyjar) (0:33)
96. Eyez (Nicotine) (0:25)
97. Another Stale Cartoon (Satanic Surfers) (0:30)
98. I Don't Mind (Ten Foot Pole) (0:31)
99. Welcome To Dumpsville, Population You (Caustic Soda) (0:25)
100. NY Ranger (The Misfits) (0:29)
101. The Count (Wizo) (0:30)